SILVER Standards for 3 categories | Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) Awards

The results are in for the 15th Annual Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) HR Awards! HOPE Technik is honoured to be conferred with the SILVER standards for the following categories:
1. Diversity & Inclusion
2. Employee Engagement
3. Employee Well-Being
HOPE Technik embraces an innovative, dynamic, equal, passionate, fun, informal and continuous learning working culture since our incorporation in 2006 and our people are the heart of our company. HOPE Technik was fortunate to be one of the 27 organisations featured in this playbook alongside other SMEs, large local enterprises, international conglomerates as well as government agencies.
A big thank you to all teammates, all our fellow award recipients and SHRI in the recognition of HOPE in the above categories, we will continue to achieve greater heights in 2022!